Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Editing: You only hurt the one you love

See, I have to make some cuts in Godsend, some pretty deep cuts. I have to cut out a secondary character who runs through a major subplot. I have to cut this guy out, because I need to cut out a plot device. If I cut the plot device and leave the character intact, then it won't make a lot of sense the way the main character - Christine - will end up acting.

The problem is, it's going to take a lot of work. And while it's fun to think up the plots and even the words, getting my ass in the chair is the toughest part of the gig. Because really, writing is about getting the shit on the page. You may have the greatest story idea in the world, but it doesn't mean a thing if it never gets set into a Word file, or gets down on a piece of paper.

So I'm off to work. Wish me luck, or a broken leg - whichever's appropriate in this case.


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