Friday, January 12, 2007

I'm writing a sequence - well, I don't know if it's strictly a sequence - where our hero, Christine, is getting up in the morning and getting ready for work. She's got a bit of a hangover, but that's not really important. What's important is how she gets ready for work.

Or is it?

What does a person's morning routine say about them? Before, I had about a page and a half about what Christine did to get ready for the day, from washing her face all the way to walking out the door. It wasn't too detailed, despite it's length (it's in 12 point Courier New font, double spaced - anything you write covers a lot of page space like that). But now I'm wondering, considering the direction the novel takes, should I go into some small details.

One thing is for certain, Christine is going to use an electric toothbrush. And she's going to meticulously floss and rinse her mouth. That's three things for certain. A fourth thing, I'm not going to spend a page and a half on her morning routine, either.


I think I know what I need to do here.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Holy crap! I've been ignoring this for too long, especially since I've done a little work on the old girl. It wasn't much, but it was something. I got to my new place last night, and I was able to sit down and work on a few pages of edits. Mostly it was just some basic grammar stuff, reworking a sentence or three, and a slight restructuring, but it's something.

I haven't been as good to Godsend as I have been to other projects. But I hope to treat her better this year. I'm 31, and I want to finish this before I'm 32.