Friday, February 09, 2007

I've been working... really, I have!

I've been working on Godsend, but I've been taking a slightly different approach to the material this time around. When I first sat down to write this story, I wrote all the fun, juicy bits first, and left the connective tissue for later. Well, I'm easily bored sometimes, and this perhaps wasn't the best idea, since I dragged my feet on writing the boring bits.

But now, I'm doing the grunt work first. I'm not re-writing the thing from the ground up, but I am fixing things, like punctuation and spelling, and cutting things out and so on. But there are scenes to write. And since I enjoy writing scenes, I'm saving that for last. So it's like dessert. Before, it was like I had a dessert of chocolate cake before I had my supper of saw dust. Now, I'm having the supper first and saving the cake for later.

Let's hope this works.